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Sunday, March 16

10:00am EDT

11:00am EDT

Oh My. Orchids! Churchill Push Push Penguin City Hall Table 31 River Market Churchill Art/Portfolio Review Provincial 15Gio Manning Battletech - Drop In Dominion Atrium Canvas Eagles - drop in any time City Hall Drop-in Miniature Painting Provincial South Atrium King of Tokyo Simcoe-Dufferin Hall Guys in Chairs Provincial 12Dillin Apelyan Ithaca in the Cards - Playtest Provincial 7Aaron Lim Star Chapters Provincial 6Kurt Refling Blood on the Clocktower (Strings Pulling - Intermediate) Elgin Bump in the Dark: Waxen Moon Provincial 5Jex Thomas Junk Drawer Heroes: Get That Garbage (Playtest) Provincial 11Christian Malleck Once More Into the Void Provincial 17Jason Pitre Pick Me Provincial 22Brian Sago Print Weaver: The End of Amarna Provincial 21Noah Morrison Spirit Wardens Provincial 18Sidney Icarus Star Wars RPG- Shadowport Adventurers: OOPS All Jawas Provincial 40Jay Gellerman Brindlewood Bay: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soulless Provincial 36Alicia Parczen Mothership: Another Bug Hunt Provincial 49Josh Gilbank DDEX1-06 The Scroll Thief (5e) Provincial 38Bruce Burley Alchemistresses Provincial 28Allison Cole Seas of Infinity Provincial 10Rui Albino Sine: A Canadian Dystopian TTRPG Provincial 8Julian Frid Dread: Hotel Pacifico Kent RPG 3Judah Goldstein Fabula Ultima: Quest of Xibalba's heart Provincial 45Mackenzie Frolic-Smart Kids on Brooms Provincial 31Katie Nicholson Monty Python's Co-curricular Mediaeval Re-enactment Programme Provincial 35Sebastian (Seb) Pinto Perils & Princesses: Curse of the Rosewood Crown Provincial 29Kenneth (Ken) Jeffers Runequest: The Broken Tower Provincial 27Erik Tjernstrom Toronto by Moonlight Provincial 20Dave Heeney

12:00pm EDT

Bananagrams Wildtiles Simcoe-Dufferin Hall Nanatoridori Churchill River Market Churchill Battletech - Drop In Dominion Atrium Canvas Eagles - drop in any time City Hall Drop-in Miniature Painting Provincial South Atrium Earth Churchill How to Save a World Churchill Sinoda - beat me at my own game! City Hall Table 27 A Land Once Magic Provincial 15Viditya Voleti Strike Round Robin Tournament City Hall Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 Black Forest Simcoe-Dufferin Hall CATaclysm: The Board Game City Hall My Little Pony: Board Game Bonanza City Hall Table 15 Big Grave Fashion Fantasy: The Ballad of Bodhi Luv (Masking Mandatory) Kenora RPG 3Will Jobst Truth or Dare? Provincial 25Dora Rogers Welcome to the Silly Goose Convention Provincial 13Elliot Davis The Meat Wave Cometh: Prologue Kent RPG 4David Staley Cyberpunk Red: Hope Reborn "The Angel's Share" Provincial 2Emma Wakelin Defy the Gods Provincial 4Chris Sellers Going Rogue 2e Kent RPG 7Jess Levine The Cosmere RPG: First Steps Provincial 16Sen-Foong Lim Advanced Dungeons & Dragons v2.5e Provincial 3Ross Graham Blades in the Dark: The Ballad of the Ripper Provincial 43Angus Macpherson Chivalry & Sorcery: Field of Flowers Provincial 44Glen Moffat Dungeon World: Sleeping Place of the Feathered Swine Provincial 23Jordan Smith Grimwild: The Fall of Bastion Provincial 50Mike Riverso Home: The Haunted House Map Building Provincial 39Christine Cook Monster of the Week: Bury the Lede Provincial 26James Cole Old School Essentials: Keep On The Borderland Provincial 51Toby (Greenbean Toast) Laws PFS2: 5-17 Stranded on Yesterdays Tide Provincial 34Jeffrey Everets Realmshapers: Many Arrivals at Saltforge Kenora RPG 1Thomas Sharpe

12:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT


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